The Blog

Mauris non tempor quam, et lacinia sapien. Mauris accumsan eros eget libero posuere vulputate.

7 tips to riding a smarter fondo

7 tips to riding a smarter fondo

Whether this is your first event, or one of many, it is always helpful to review your ride strategy. Create a plan for how you want to complete the ride. No matter how many times you have ridden the same event, every year will be different, with unique challenges....

2023 Triple Crown for heart

2023 Triple Crown for heart

Thank you to the organizers, volunteers, fundraisers, those who donated, and the participants, for making this year's Triple Crown for Heart event a huge success! Also, thank you to CBC for covering the event. Rare genetic heart diseases don't receive the same media...

10 tips for Safe group riding

10 tips for Safe group riding

Riding in a pace line is the best way to save energy, and when mastered can make cycling more fun! But, to keep a group safe, everyone must know what their responsibility is, and commit to working together. The following are 10 tips that will help you on your next...

steps to becoming a faster hill climber

steps to becoming a faster hill climber

Before you can think about climbing faster, you need to make sure that you have first built your aerobic foundation. As the saying goes, "you can't run before you learn to walk".  To read more about building an aerobic base please go back to the...

Building an aerobic base

Building an aerobic base

Before you start worrying about being a fast(er) climber, you first need to develop a solid aerobic foundation or base. This is the key to any and all endurance sports.The time it takes to build your personal aerobic base will be different from other...

what to wear for spring riding

what to wear for spring riding

Riding in Vancouver, we plan for the worst and hope for the best. The most difficult part of spring riding is dressing appropriately. Every day it's a bit of a gamble. Will you wear too much and have to carry it? Or will you not bring enough and feel chilled all the...

streak challenges can be a recipe for injury

streak challenges can be a recipe for injury

I understand the allure of joining a streak challenge as simple as doing one activity every day for one month, several months, or even years. And I’m all for any gimmick or trick we can use to entice ourselves to exercise more.However, some of these challenges are not...

soak your oats

soak your oats

We all love our yogurt and granola, and nothing says comfort food better than a steaming bowl of oatmeal before a long ski day. But when was the last time you tried soaking your oats? Without using heat, soaking overnight slowly cooks the oats, while preserving much...

Don Prins

Don Prins

January 2023 After just a few sessions with Kristina I have found that my footwork, balance and power through my core has definitely improved my tennis game! This has been a great benefit from the workouts.

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